What are the Digital Collections and who can use them?
Washington College Archive’s Digital Collection contains digitized and born-digital materials from the College’s archive. It was created to facilitate access to the Archives and the rare and unique items it preserves. It is open to students, faculty, researchers, and the community at large.
Is the whole archive digitized?
Unfortunately, No. We have prioritized materials for digitization based on preservation necessity, high usage, and request. We are constantly adding to the digital collections so please check back regularly. If there is a collection you think should be digitized, please, contact the archivist.
Why can’t I find what I’m looking for?
There could be several reasons you can’t find what you are looking for. You might need to change up your search terms; they may be too broad or too narrow. They might be misspelled. If you are having trouble, try our browse feature and the filter options on the right-hand side. It is possible that it might not be digitized yet.
Where are the yearbooks/Elm/publications?
The Washington College publications including the Pegasus, until 2015, the Elm, until 1998, and other publications are available on Archive.org.
Why can’t I download the image?
If you would like a copy of an image from the Digital Archives you will need to contact the Archivist. You will need to submit a form based on the reason for which you would like to use the image for. You can visit the policy section of our website.
How do I get permission to use this image?
We understand that people use these materials in various ways, from keeping them in your personal files to publishing them in books and other media. You can find more information on how to request an image and request to use it on the policy section of our website.
How should I cite an item?
Each item record has its preferred citation listed.
What is Fair Use?
Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. If you have any questions if what you are doing falls under fair use, please contact the Archivist.
Can I get a high-resolution image?
Yes, if you require a higher resolution image you can make a request with the Archivist. Depending on the size of the original and the requested resolution there may be some restrictions.
What if I want to see the item in person?
If you would like to make an in-person research request, please email the Archivist. There may be some restrictions based on the fragility of original materials.
How do I report a correction or provide additional information about an item?
We are constantly striving to give the most accurate information for our digital records. If you see a mistake or have more information on an item, please use the inquiry button to let us know.
I have materials I would like to donate how do I do that?
We are always eager to add to our holdings, to ensure that your donation fits within our collection policy please review it here. If it does you can contact the Archivist to coordinate the donation.
I want to find information on an Alumni or family member do I do that here?
This is just one of the resources available to you. While this is a good place to search for photographs and letters you should also search the entirety of our processed collections through our Public Portal. You might also want to come visit Miller Library in person as a community borrower to take advantage of our databases and Maryland Reference collection.
Why are there are so many schools named after George Washington? What makes Washington College so special?
While using Washington’s name was popular with many Universities and Colleges, Washington College was one of the only higher educational schools that Gen. Washington himself allowed to use his name. As one of the first colleges to be chartered in the newly independent America, Washington himself supported us with a generous monetary donation. You can read more of our founding by the College’s first president here.
How do I find my capstone?If you are a current student, faculty, or staff you can register and search all the Senior Capstones by title, author, subjects, and keywords. Please note that SCEs from 1986-2006 are only available on microfilm at Miller Library. If you are an Alum looking for your Capstone, then email sce@washcoll.edu to request a copy.
How do I register?
Create a registration using your WAC ID and login. There will be a slight delay until your registration has been approved. When that is complete you will then have access and can search all the Capstones.
Why do I need to register?
As per policy Capstones are only available to current students, faculty, and staff. You need to register with your WAC ID and login so we can ensure that we are abiding by the policy. If you are an Alum looking for your Capstone, then email sce@washcoll.edu to request a copy.

Archives & Special Collections
300 Washington Avenue
Chestertown, MD 21620
Main Desk: (410) 778-7280
Lindsay Sheldon
Head Archivist, Director of Technical Services