Jack Beebe Oral History Interview


Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
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Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
Jack Beebe Oral History Interview
The Long Island Home Front
March 24 2019
In this interview, Jack discusses the effects of the war on his life and family in West Sayville. He recounts how the local baymen were tapped by the government for monitoring enemy vessels offshore, as well as his family’s concerns for an uncle who was serving in the Philippines. He also recalls how he and his friends participated in scrap drives and airplane spotting, and how his friends once returned an abandoned military parachute they found in the woods.
1h 7m 58s
Jack Beebe, Interview, National Home Front Project, Washington College, Chestertown Maryland.
Interview was recorded by Chris Kretz through The Long Island Home Front Project for the Starr Center of the American Experience National Homefront Project.
Sayville, Suffolk, New York, United States, NA [40.73593,-73.08206] [id:5136421]