Bruce Craig Oral History Interview


Bruce Craig Oral History Interview
Bruce Craig Oral History Interview
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Bruce Craig Oral History Interview
Bruce Craig Oral History Interview
Bruce Craig Oral History Interview
Upper West Side Seniors
February 25 2019
In this interview, Bruce Craig speaks about his life during World War II, his parents’
involvement in the war effort, and his cousin’s duties as an aviator in the Pacific. He also 
recounts his memories of and feelings about rationing, Pearl Harbor, the Japanese, and German prisoners of war.
26m 4s
Bruce Craig, Interview, National Home Front Project, Washington College, Chestertown Maryland.
Interview was recorded by Karen Goodheart and Herb Goodheart; Andrea Craig (wife) through Upper West Side Seniors for the Starr Center of the American Experience National Homefront Project.
New York, New York, United States, NA [40.71427,-74.00597] [id:5128581]Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States, NA [41.85003,-87.65005] [id:4887398]Green Bay, Brown, Wisconsin, United States, NA [44.51916,-88.01983] [id:5254962]