Nancy Dick Oral History Interview


Nancy Dick Oral History Interview
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Nancy Dick Oral History Interview
Nancy Dick Oral History Interview
June 27 2016
Nancy Dick, born in 1940, lived in Chestertown, Maryland throughout the war. In this interview Nancy Dick describes how various businesses influenced life in Chestertown, and they have changed or are gone completely. She paints a picture of 1940s Chestertown, including race relations, rationing, blackouts, munitions plants, and the role of Washington College and the Chester River during World War II.
55m 50s
Nancy Dick, Interview, National Home Front Project, Washington College, Chestertown Maryland.
Interview was recorded by Nick Coviello, Andrew Darlington, and Lorenz Iversen through Washington College for the Starr Center of the American Experience National Homefront Project.
Chestertown, Kent, Maryland, United States, NA [39.209,-76.06661] [id:4351264]