Betty Tait Oral History Interview


  • Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
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Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
Betty Tait Oral History Interview
2016 June 20
Betty Tait found herself thrust into the life of an army wife when her boyfriend, who was in the service, proposed to her on his way to report for duty. They married and she accompanied him to various bases around the United States before he left for his deployment. Betty provides a detailed account of what life was like for army wives and how they dealt with the added stress of having their husbands overseas.
1h 27m 38s
Betty Tait, Interview, National Home Front Project, Washington College, Chestertown Maryland
Interview was recorded by Simon Belcher, Nicole Curtin, Emily Holt, and Joseph Swit for the Starr Center of the American Experience National Homefront Project