Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, October 1917


Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, October 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, October 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, October 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, October 1917
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MS 0173-01-016
Creation: 1917 October
Lawrence talks about about the game being rained out, the lack of meat and other food stuffs at meals, how the military department is getting more strict, Bounds and his friend Tilghman have made a small photo studio in their Middle Hall dorm room, another Liberty Loan Campaign which had a brass band of Scotsman "the Kilties" play at the Lyceum Theater and courthouse, There was also opera singer Gertrude Van Deinse and a speech by Judge J. Harry Covington. The event raised $110,000.00.
[item identification], Gorsuch family papers, MS 0173, Archives and Special Collections, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.