Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 1917


Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 1917
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MS 0173-01-017
Creation: 1917 November
Lawrence talks about the Halloween events including parade and a bonfire including moving boxed and barrells up "the Hill" upon return to campus for the bonfire. He talks about trouble getting clothing because efforts are going to making uniforms. He talks about the sophomores getting stripes and other upgrades in rank, most likely for the Student Army Training Corp. He mentions Professors White trip to New York, some hazing by the sophomores, and how Western Maryland cleaned up at football.
[item identification], Gorsuch family papers, MS 0173, Archives and Special Collections, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.