Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917


Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917
Lawrence Gorsuch letter to his mother, November 12, 1917
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MS 0173-01-018
Creation: 1917 November 12
Lawrence writes of the recent election and how most of the state went Republican except for Talbot County which went Democratic. He also mentions the "trouble with Capt. W. A. Dobson" and how Howard Dobson had to say about the draft. He also talks about other that have been drafted. He and some friends took two balloons to the lab and filled them with hydrogen and let them go on campus. Lawrence also mentions looking for care packages at the mail room.
[item identification], Gorsuch family papers, MS 0173, Archives and Special Collections, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.