172nd Commencement, President Eisenhower receives Honorary Degree


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MS 0058-1954-002
1954 June 7
The commencement included a patriotic musical, citations, a plaque presentation, and the presentation of an Honorary Doctor of Law to President Eisenhower. Eisenhower's speech referenced Thomas Jefferson's idea that liberty can only survive if buttressed by knowledge, and the importance of education for democracy, he also talked about keeping government in check. While praising many of the social programs the government has he does caution that "all governments are greedy." Governor Theodore McKeldin was also in attendance. President Eisenhower's remarks begin at 00:47:20.
1⁄4-inch open reel
1h 18m 23s
[item identification], Washington College audiovisual collection, MS 0058, Archives and Special Collections, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.