Ralph Nader "Government, Corporations, Free Trade and the Environment in the 21st Century," William James Forum


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MS 0058-2000-003
2000 April 30
Noted environmentalist and consumer advocate, Ralph Nader spoke on numerous topics related to the environment, corporation's influence in government, the World Trade Organization, the reality of civil litigation, the media's role in activism and protests, the IMF and the World Bank, how the media is not as democratic as we might think, the lack of media to promote new ideas especially those coming out of higher education, he gives the example of growing industrial hemp, not permitted since the 1940s, as new environmental industry growth. Some of the concepts he talked about were "Natural Capitalism" citing Ray Anderson and Interface Carpets as an example, the idea that corporations are efficient while government isn't allowing corporations to exploit government for profit, corporations externalizing costs, information vs wisdom, Free Trade, and how justice, freedom, and even Social Security is ultimately up to the citizenry. The talk was followed by a question and answer session. Nader had begun his 2000 Presidential campaign, while he did not mention the election in his talk there were numerous questions by students about the candidates.
1h 51m 2s
[item identification], Washington College audiovisual collection, MS 0058, Archives and Special Collections, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.